Monday, March 29, 2010

Let's get this blog rollin'

Hello universe!

So what's with blablablog? As cliche as it may sound, this is an avenue for 6 new found friends (and maybe more) to just write and share their adventures in Vancouver whether it's as epic as traveling to places or as lame as re-watching old school movies.

Our common ground is that we're all from the Philippines. But as ironic as it may sound, we never knew of each other (except for a short intro here and there by common friends back in Manila) until we were all thrown into Canada whether it was by our own will or not. So what better way to document our new found friendship but by writing or posting photos/videos about it. Right now, our topics might be all Vancouver related but this doesn't mean we'll be limiting ourselves to this - the name of the blog is Blablablog after all. Through more posts, you'll get to know us individually through our entries and hopefully enjoy what we share.

To formally introduce myself, here's a bit of info. I just arrived in Vancouver 6 months ago and am hoping to pursue a full time photography career in the near future. I'm here since my family decided to migrate for my younger sister who is deaf mute. Unfortunately, back in the Philippines, there isn't much support given to people with disabilities so they best felt that migrating to another country would at least give her a chance to live an independent lifestyle. bow.

So let's get this blog rollin'!

If you happen to be in Gastown for lunch, I suggest you eat in Brioche - an urban cafe. The interior has a very homey feel to it and although it seems small from the front (main entrance is at W Cordova st), there are additional seats at the back which gives you a view of Water street. It's reasonably priced with dishes ranging from 10 - 15 Cad. My favorite dish is the pasta with mushroom sauce and strip loin steak on top (photo taken above). You'd have to specifically request for this since they are 2 different items on their menu. My cousin loves their quiche so you should try that as well.

For more information, you can check out their website -

- I

PS All photos are copyright of the owners of this blog unless otherwise stated. For those interested, I have another site for my portfolio which is at: